Sarich, Vincent
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Vincent M. Sarich ( 1934 in Chicago, Illinois;
27. Oktober 2012 in Washington) war ein VS-amerikanischer Ethnologe und emeritierter Professor der University of Califomia in Berkeley.
Publikationen (Auswahl)
- Sarich, V. / Wilson AC. Immunological time scale for hominid evolution. Science 158, 1967, p. 1200–1203
- Sarich, V. / Miele, F.: Race: The Reality of Human Differences. Westview Press (2004). ISBN 0-8133-4086-1
- Sarich, V.: The Final Taboo. Skeptic (Altadena, CA) January 1, 2000. Volume: 8 Issue: 1 Page: 38
- Sarich, V. / Dolhinow P. Background for man; readings in physical anthropology ASIN: B00005VHM2
- Zihlman, Adrienne L. , John E. Cronin, Douglas L. Cramer, and Vincent M. Sarich. (1978). Pygmy chimpanzee as a possible prototype for the common ancestor of humans, chimpanzees, and gorillas. Nature 275: 744–746
- Zihlman, L., John E. Cronin, D.L. Cramer, and Vincent M. Sarich, Pygmy Chimpanzee as a Possible Prototype for Common Ancestor of Humans, Chimpanzees and Gorillas. Nature
- Jon Marks, Carl W. Schmid, and Vincent M. Sarich, (1988). DNA hybridization as a guide to phylogeny: Relations of the Hominoidea. Journal of Human Evolution, 17: 769–786