Diskussion:Duterte, Rodrigo

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Am Anfang wird gesagt, daß er den Islam angenommen hat und am Ende des Artikels wird er als Katholik bezeichnet. Was nun? — --Wehrkraftverstaerker 13:58, 5. Nebelung (November) 2017 (CET)

Sein krimineller Sohn Paolo konvertierte, nicht Rodrigo.--Westwall 14:05, 5. Nebelung (November) 2017 (CET)

Die englische Wikipedia meldet zum Thema der persönlichen Religionszugehörigkeit Dutertes:
»Despite being raised as a communicant of the Catholic Church, on January 19, 2016, while meeting with businessmen in Binondo, Manila, Duterte clarified that he has not attended Mass for quite some time already since he deemed it incompatible with his mayoral responsibilities: ›If I listened to the Ten Commandments or to the priests,‹ said Duterte, ›I would not be able to do anything as a mayor‹. He then clarified that he still believes in God, but not in religion. On June 26, 2016, Duterte said he's Christian, but also said that he believes ›in one god Allah‹.«
Man muß ihn wohl einfach bloß reden lassen — und dann zitieren. Mehr Verbindlichkeit ist in der Sache offenbar nicht herzustellen...
~ CodexThelema 14:28, 5. Nebelung (November) 2017 (CET)