Rebelles Européen
(Weitergeleitet von Rebelles European)
Rebelles Européen (dt. Europäische Rebellen) war eine französische Musikproduktionsfirma für nationale Musik und Bekleidung.
- RE330187 - Skin-Korps - Mister Clean
- RE330287 - Debout Vol. 1 (Bunker 84/Legion 88/Skin-Korps)
- RE330387 - Bunker 84 - Notre Combat
- RE330488 - No Remorse - This Time The World
- RE330588 - Legion 88 - Thule
- RE330688 - Debout Vol. 2 (Bunker 84/No Remorse/Verde Bianco Rosso)
- RE330788 - Bunker 84 - Liberte
- RE330889 - Machtoc - Premiere
- RE330989 - Debout Vol. 3 (Dirlewanger/Powerskins/Nouvelle Croisade)
- RE331089 - Public Enemy - There Is Only One Public Enemy
- RE331189 - Debout Vol. 4 (Chauves Pourris/Lionheart/Guarda De Ferro)
- RE331289 - Verde Bianco Rosso Europa
- RE331389 - Kontingent 88 - Au Service De Nos Ancetres
- RE331489 - Lionheart - A New Beginning
- RE331589 - Dirlewanger S/T
- RE331689 - 100 Birthday (Public Enemy/No Remorse/Dirlewanger/Legion 88/Kontingent 88/Bunker 84/Chauves Pourris/Lionheart/White Lightning/Verde Biance Rosso)
- RE331790 - Chauves Pourris - Jusqu'a La Mort
- RE331890 - Sturmtruppen - Es ist beit
- RE331990 - Klasse Kriminale - Ci Incontreremo Ancora
- RE332090 - Peggior Amico - Il leone ruggisce ancore
- RE332190 - White Lightning - Destiny
- RE332290 - Lionheart - Ride The Valkyries
- RE332390 - Noie Werte - Kraft fer deutschland
- RE332490 - Dirlewanger - Unity Of Honour
- RE332591 - Verde Bianco Rosso - Radroni Del Mondo
- RE332691 - Kontingent - Generations Futures
- RE332791 - Open Season - Front Line Fighters
- RE332891 - Public Enemy - Our Weapon Is Truth
- RE332991 - Battlezone - Nowhere To Hide
- RE333091 - Paul Burnley & The 4th Reich - A Nation Reborn
- RE333191 - Powerskin - Celtica Bianca Spada
- RE333292 - Paul Burnley & The 4th Reich - Save The White Race
- RE333392 - Debout Vol. 5 (White Noise/Division S/Verde Bianco Rosso)
- RE333492 - Ultime Assaut - Deliverance
- RE333592 - Guarda De Ferro S/T
- RE333692 - Soccer Hooleys - We Are The Soccer Hooleys
- RE333792 - Last Chance (British Standard/Close Shave/Grade One/English Rose/Razors Edge/Paul Burnley & The 4th Reich)
- RE333892 - English Rose - Never Be Silenced
- RE333992 - Dirlewanger - White Power Rock 'N' Roll
- RE334092 - Desert Storm (No Remorse/Dirlewanger)
- RE334192 - Force De Frappe - Orage Mechanique
- RE334294 - Nahkampf - Schutt & Asche
- RE334394 - Skullhead - Victory Or Valhalla
- RE334494 - Division 250 - Sangre De Conquistadores
- RE334594 - Tolbiac's Toads - 1983-1987
- RE450187 - Legion 88 - Terroristes
- RE450287 - Bunker 84 - Vieux Continent
- RE450387 - Brutal Combat - Passe A L'oueste
- RE450487 - Bunker 84 - Victime Des Democraties
- RE450588 - Legion 88 - Terroristes/Vaincre (2nd pressing)
- RE450689 - Lionheart - Better Dead Than Red
- RE450789 - Chauves Pourris - Censure
- RE450889 - Peggior Amico - Copevole Di Essere Bianco
- RE450989 - Public Enemy - Waiting For The Storm/Saturday Night's Alright For Fighting (Reg 'Elton John' Dwight cover)
- RE451089 - Kontingent 88 - 1789/Mohamed
- RE451189 - No Remorse - Time Will Tell/Solly
- RE451289 - No Remorse - Smash The Reds/Race Traitor
- RE451389 - Power Skins - Mittel Europa
- RE451489 - English Rose - Proud Nationalist Warriors
- RE451589 - Battlezone - Way Of Death/National Sorrow
- RE451690 - Nouvelle Criosade - Tu Aimeras
- RE451790 - Verde Bianco Rosso - Bionda Rossa E Nera
- RE451890 - Battlezone - Right To March/Squalor
- RE451990 - Public Enemy - For You/The Oath
- RE452090 - Lionheart - Sign Of The Times
- RE452190 - Dirlewanger - Nigger Season/Proud Of My Race
- RE452290 - Violent Storm - Land Of My Fathers
- RE452390 - Division S - Efter Revolutionen
- RE452490 - Public Enemy - Salute/White Nation Rock
- RE452591 - Legion 88 - Legion Blanche
- RE452691 - Ultima Thule - Havets Vargar
- RE452791 - Grade One - Hail The New Land
- RE452891 - Ultime Assaut - Paris
- RE452991 - Peggior Amico - Diritto Di Marciare
- RE453092 - Ovaltinees - British Justice E.P.
- RECD0191 - Noie Werte - Kraft Fur Deutschland
- RECD0291 - Battlezone - Nowhere To Hide
- RECD0391 - Paul Burnley & The 4th Reich - A Nation Reborn
- RECD0492 - No Remorse - This Time The World
- RECD0592 - Ultima Thule - Svea Hjältar
- RECD44 - Debout Vol. 6 Oi Oi! Skins (Ovaltinees/Kontingent/Battlezone/Power Skins/Lionheart/Grade One/Legion 88/Chauves Pourris/Vengeance/ABH/Diehards/Quick & The Dead)
- WL9501 - Public Enemy - There Is Only One Public Enemy
- WL9502 - Legion 88 - Thule
- WL9503 - 100 Birthday
- WL9504 - Dirlewanger S/T
- WL9505 - Bunker 84 - Notre Combat
- WL9506 - Kontingent 88 - Au Service De Nos Ancetres
- WL9507 - Public Enemy - Our Weapon Is Truth
- WL7 - Legion 88/Open Season split 7"