The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour
Titel: | The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour |
Herausgeber: | C. T. (i. e. César Tort) |
Ausgabe: | 2022 |
Verleger: | Daybreak |
Erscheinungsjahr: | 2022 |
Originalsprache: | Englisch |
Umfang: | 627 Seiten |
Verweise | |
PDF: | PDF[1] |
The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour ist eine englischsprachige Textsammlung zum Verständnis der Bedeutung der weißen Rasse, des Verderbens ihrer seelisch-geistigen Ausrichtung, ihres dramatischen Niedergangs in der Neuzeit sowie zur notwendigen radikalen Umwertung der im Westen herrschenden christoiden Werte, sofern die Weißen dem Untergang noch entgehen wollen.
Herausgeber und Autoren
Der Herausgeber C. T. ist der in Mexiko-Stadt lebende Verfechter kämpferischer weißer Selbstbehauptung, der Privatgelehrte, Rassedenker, Schriftsteller und Übersetzer César Tort. Das Werk versammelt Beiträge des Herausgebers sowie wichtige Texte bekannter Verfasser wie William Pierce, Arthur Kemp und weiterer Autoren.
Der Autor stellt die Ausgabe 2022 als PDF unentgeltlich zur Verfügung.
Inhalt der 6. Auflage 2019
Our 14 words
Seven Articles
Editor’s Preface
Part I Two white Apocalypses
- Note of the Editor
- Hellstorm – reviewed by J. A. Sexton
- The ascent of the soul – Editor
- Poisonous foundation myth – B.P.S.
- Note of the Editor / Translator
- Rome against Judaea; Judaea against Rome – Evropa Soberana
Part II Creating a new Ecclesia
- The resurrected Jew – Editor
- The dismiss of Christianity – C.S.
- First letter from Spain
Part III The Jewish problem
- Seeing the forest – William Pierce
- Flawed racism – Andrew Hamilton
- Commissary to the gentiles – M.E. Ravage
- Is Kevin MacDonald a charlatan? – Robert Morgan
Part IV History of the white race
- Heroic materialism – Kenneth Clark
- March of the Titans – Arthur Kemp
- Who We Are – William Pierce
Part V The Nordicism taboo
- The black man’s gift to Portugal – Ray Smith
- What race were the Greeks and Romans? – J. H. Sims
- Were the Greeks and Romans blond and blue-eyed? – Evropa Soberana
Part VI The eternal masculine
- Failed Yang cultures – Editor
- Sparta and its law – Evropa Soberana
- Holy wrath – Evropa Soberana
- The diamond speaks – Nietzsche
Part VII On the need to undemonize Nazism
- Second letter from Spain
- For the Hitler Youth – Helmut Stellrecht
- National Socialist worldview – SS pamphlet
- Rockwell: A National Socialist life – Pierce
- Hitler in your living room – Editor
- A couple of table talks – Adolf Hitler
Part VIII Other articles by the Editor
- Suicidal nationalists
- Wuthering Heights
- Negroes and English Roses
- Terminal stage
Part IX The Law-Giver
- New tablets of stone
- Revaluation of all values
Part X After receiving the tablets of stone
- Darwin’s exterminationism
- Why Europeans must reject Christianity – Ferdinand Bardamu
- Burn them all! – Albus
- Editor’s excursuses
- Flawed white nationalism
- Dark night of the soul
- The eternal feminine
- The new racial classification
Vorwort zur 6. Auflage (2019)
[Anmerkungen in Fußnoten von Metapedia]
The battle between Rome and Judea is a battle fought in the field of morality. That was Nietzsche’s crucial insight. The blond beast[2] could not be confronted directly. He had to be turned into a guilt-ridden head case. — Richard Spencer
This collection of essays by twenty authors is the result of ten years of following closely the movement known as ‘white nationalism’[3] which I discovered while living in Gran Canaria: an island near Africa that belongs to Spain. My diagnosis after a decade of intensive research is that two astronomical lies spawned a narrative that has been fatally demoralising the white peoples: a millennial lie about early Christianity and a more recent lie about the Second World War.
Part I shows how Christianity, originated in Judaism, during an ISIS-like fanatical takeover of the classical world destroyed the temples, most statues and libraries in the 4th and 5th centuries of the Common Era. Through Christianity Judea thus triumphed over Rome after the disastrous Jewish-Roman wars of previous centuries. Another article of this section also mentions a gigantic genocide that the Allies perpetrated in Germany: the first Jew-wise racially awakened Aryan nation in Western history. Inspired in a passage of The Gulag Archipelago by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, this section also includes a subject that I consider paramount to spare the fair race from extinction: the development of the inner soul as a lesson in humility to cure the Anglo-Saxons of the false narrative with which their System bombards us over Hitler and the Nazis. Both the Judeo-Christian destruction of the Greco-Roman world, and the Holocaust of Germans in 1944-1947,[4] are the best-kept secrets in Western history. Studying these events suggests that the current anti-white, pro-Jewish narrative is based on a fantastic inversion of two historical calamities: the ultimate cause of the West’s darkest hour.
Part II. Expanding the thesis of the previous section where a Judaic sect triumphed over the decadent Roman Empire, this section, mostly authored by a Swede, deals with the decline and fall of Christianity: the final triumph of Rome over Judea (so to speak)! It is an optimistic prediction, written in the plainest English, about what will happen in this century. ‘Creating a new Ecclesia’, the title of this section, is taken from the letter that Manu Rodríguez, a Spaniard, sent me.
Part III contains an insightful article about the Jewish problem,[5] coming out of the pen of the American who has had the most influence on my thinking: the late William L. Pierce. This part also includes an article penned by a Jew: Marcus Eli Ravage. The Third Reich propaganda ministry used Ravage’s article as devastating admission of the reality of the Jewish problem in the Czernowitzer Allgemeine Zeitung of September 2, 1933. This section finalises with a devastating critique of evolutionary psychologist Kevin MacDonald, a kind of guru in American white nationalism, for failing to notice the elephant in his own room: the Christian question.
Part IV deals with what we might call the Aryan problem: how, through miscegenation with the lower races, the white peoples degenerate in the later phases of civilisation. Kenneth Clark’s piece prepares us to see Mammon worship, in the form of London and New York, as a pivotal factor of white decline. More to the point, the book March of the Titans of the only living historian of the white race, Arthur Kemp, whom I had the honour of meeting at his home in an English town, teaches us a great lesson. Historically, using non-white labour inevitably leads to the creation of mestizos, and therefore, to the destruction of the great white civilisations. Along this line of research, the story of the white race of William Pierce reproduced here is an abridgement of Who We Are: a key to understand Western history.
Part V deals with an issue that is taboo for many white nationalists, who are under the impression that a considerable portion of Mediterranean peoples simply belongs to another kind of whites. This section includes articles by other authors who also discuss how interbreeding with non-whites produced an inferior stock of westerner and, eventually, the collapse of ancient Greece, Rome and modern Portugal. The sin of miscegenation or crossbreeding with inferior races is the Leitmotiv of Parts Four and Five (and is elaborated more scientifically in the Appendix).
Part VI. The Spartans and the Vikings were perfect specimens of the blond beast. It will be impossible for the white males of today to reclaim their countries without establishing a truly profound contact with the forgotten archetype of the Eternal Masculine, an archetype assassinated throughout the West after World War II. Evropa Soberana, the author of the long essay about Rome and Judaea in the First Part, authored essays about Sparta and the Berserkers, also translated from Spanish by me, that contain very memorable passages.
Part VII introduces the greatest taboo of our time: the new religion of National Socialism including Hitler’s own words during a couple of private conversations that a stenographer recorded and then transcribed on paper;[6] a pamphlet for the SS that presents National Socialist ideology in a single article, and how an incredibly noble American tried to adopt Hitler’s ideas in his country. Manu’s epistle from Spain is pure gold to understand the psychogenic breakthrough that the Third Reich represented.
Part VIII reproduces four of my articles including one critical of American white nationalism, a movement inferior to German National Socialism for any honest reader of history.
Part IX contains a manifesto in the form of a Nietzschean wish-list, and the formation of a new Decalogue, for a new type of man that we could baptise as ‘the priest of the fourteen words’. Comprehensive manifestos must be short. This very brief section contains my rephrasing of a passage from an essay by Francis Parker Yockey, originally written in 1953 under the title ‘The Enemy of Europe’. The goal is to transvalue all American-style Mammon-worship values to those National Socialist values that remind us of Nordid Sparta and Republican Rome (the Rome before miscegenation started). Part X also includes miscellaneous texts that would scandalise even racially conscious whites excepting the priests of the fourteen words. For example, Charles Darwin predicted that the coloureds would be exterminated in the future but, as a courtesy of Judeo-Christian ethics, it is whites the ones who today are insanely heading toward extinction. This part also contains an essay that explains, in a more academic style than the text of the Swede in Part II, how egalitarian liberalism is an offshoot of Christian ethics.[7] Misleadingly called ‘cultural Marxism’ in Alt-Right forums, egalitarian liberalism which includes race, gender and sexual orientation is nothing but neo-Christianity[8] from the axiological viewpoint.
After the ten parts the curious reader will find more of my criticism of white nationalism, including its pseudo-revolutionary faction, and a long Appendix: a novel racial classification to scientifically understand physical anthropology and the white race. Unlike what the white nationalists claim, the Jews are secondary. As a Romanian once said, ‘a country has the Jews it deserves. Just as mosquitoes can thrive and settle only in swamps, likewise the former can only thrive in the swamps of our sins’.
Understanding the swamps of our sins — Christianity —, which ultimately has imposed Semitic standards of morality on whites, is the first step in the cura animarum.[9] After the Second World War the fair race has undergone a cognitive process that can only be diagnosed as a folie en masse.[10] I hope that, after reading these essays, with the help of the new religion that the Führer bequeathed us the Aryan reader of noble character will transvalue his values back to Greco-Roman normalcy.
César Tort
September 2019